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A tagged union example

· 4 min read

We will talk about tagged union types, how to implement them in C# and how to use them effectively in modeling our domain. Tagged union types will improve your code expressiveness and ability to model all kinds of software domains. They have been extensively used in functional languages, F# itself support out of the box tagged union types under the name "discriminated unions".

AutoToString Visual Studio Extension

· 3 min read

More than a year ago I built my very first Visual Studio extension and published it on the Visual Studio Marketplace. I was working on a web service that passed around a lot of data and in order to log input and output of the endpoints whenever needed I often wrote code like this

Attesa Bus Android App

· 2 min read

Today I tried flux and the dart language from Google, it was easy and fast, I was able to develop a simple app with material UI in a couple of hours. The app fetch informations about bus waiting time using the bus stop id from Rome transportation operator ATAC. There is no API for that so the app just fetch the web page and parse it to retrieve the informations.

ASPNET Core on CentOS

· 8 min read

Today I experimented with the DigitalOcean Cloud and the aspnet core deploy on a linux server. Specifically I wanted to deploy a sample .net core web app on a CentOS 7 server using nginx as a web server. I have no experience in managing a linux server or using nginx or deploying aspnet core to linux in general, however I do have some experience with the bash and the linux environment.

Sample log4net config nuget packages

· One min read

Sample log4net config nuget packages

Everytime I install the log4net nuget package I have to lookup, on the internet or on my other project, how to modify the app.config or the web.config in order to make log4net work.

I decided to create a few nuget packages with sample configs and a small readme in order to easily configure log4net. It took some trial & error but I managed to create a couple of them. The source for the packages in at log4net-config repository.

In order to build the package just run "nuget pack" in the folder with the *.nuspec file.


Antlr4 polynomial grammar

· 5 min read


Update April 2020, hey! I updated this article and the corresponding repo check it out here

In the last couple of months I've been reading and studying about compilers and languages and for everyone doing something like that it's very easy to meet Antlr at a certain point. What is antlr?

Welcome to my Blog!

· One min read

Hello! I'm Davide

Welcome! Here I'll be posting about my work on C# and .NET in general. If you find anything interesting or wrong please drop me a few lines, any feedback is appreciated.